Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Unofficial Summer

Memorial Day Weekend.
Tiki bars.
I never really liked marmalade.
I never really understood it.
To tell you the truth, I still don't.
Heck, What is it?
Mom swore by it. She bought her orange marmalade in a large jar. She put it on everything toast, English muffins, in her cottage cheese. I even caught her, one time dipping a spoon in and eating it like jello. After an offer, I sampled it once, because I went through an 'orange period'. Orange sherbet, Orange Crush soda, sugared-orange candy slices, orange jello and more, more more. You name it, if it was flavored orange, I tried it. But something was up with this sticky, gooey concoction. It seemed too sweet, too stringy, too... orangey? (is that a new word?) 
Well, fast-forward to yesterday. Elenka prepared our unofficial start to summer repast on our grill: Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple Skewers on a bed of white rice with a delicious... orange marmalade sauce.
I loved it!
So, let's see.
As an adult, I've 'mastered' creme cheese and olive, black olives, pecan ice cream and now orange marmalade.
Can a meal of lamb be my next mountain to climb?
Don't place a big wager on it.


  1. I do eat orange marmalade, but only on toast. They make excellent lamb dishes in Greece, but I never eat lamb in Sweden.

  2. You're branching out! Be a lamb, and give it a try!

  3. Hmm, picked up one of those large jars of OM at the grocery store yesterday.

  4. haha I ain't cookin' no lamb in this house! You're on your own on that one.

  5. I just had an orange with my breakfast and now wish I had some marmalade to spread on some toast. :)

  6. The variety of food concotions in our world is staggering...Now, this photo: Lovely abstract, but I'm so curious as to what it is!! Happy beginning of summer!

  7. Interesting story. I've never been a fan of "orange" flavored things. Although I thought marmalade was made with bitter oranges...

  8. Nice composition. Love that blue color.

  9. I'll take some of those grilled shrimp please! I'm not a fan of marmalade either, but one of my favorite drinks as a kid was Orange Crush.

  10. Tiki huts? Up in your town? Tiki huts say Florida! I can't stand orange marmalade. But I'm not prejudiced. Enjoy it if you can!

  11. i don't like orange marmalade - too orange-peely. :)

  12. I hated marmalade as a kid but I do use it sauces and for cooking quite a bit.

  13. I don't like marmalade and I don't eat lamb!

  14. A little orange marmalade goes a long way. . . for me . . . I wondered where you were going with the orange marmalade and how it related to the pic!

  15. hmmm isn't marmalade the same as jelly or preserves? i think?!!

  16. You don't like lamb? I always thought you were a little strange.

    I have not tasted marmalade in a long time but I remember a slightly bitter aftertaste. I can take it or leave it.

  17. Noe, I LOVE orange marmalade. It has to be the smokey kind. Not to mention Lady Marmalade (voulez vouz . . . ).

    You don't love lamb? Oh, what you have been missing! Get thee to a rack immediately.

  18. Your taste buds are 'maturing' Birdman :) Love toast and marmalade, but never have and never will eat lamb.. and I live in the land where lamb is BIG :)
