An old farm house with a summer porch is a wonderful thing. My days usually start out here between 5 and 6 AM. It's a cool start most mornings, but well worth it for me and the cats. For me, it's coffee and my laptop; for Molly, it's in and out, in and out. This room reminds me so much of my grandparents porch at 250 Main St., Westbrook. Growing up, many a summer night was spent sleeping on the couch on their summer porch, just off to the right of the main house. My grandfather built this 'summer addition' with help of my Dad. My stay each summer was around 2 weeks, and although I was close to home, it always felt like I was a million miles away. My days were filled with sitting on the cellar steps watching my grandfather build
cabinets in the his workshop, helping my grandmother with odd jobs around the house, while listening to her 'soap operas' on the radio, thumbing through the latest LIFE and LOOK
magazines (I was fascinated by the photography), and eating dilly bars at night at the nearby
DQ. For a 10 year old, that was a packed day; ah... not a care in the world! Well, except for those frightening, late night, summer thunderstorms!
A charming room in a beautiful setting with the grill waiting just through the door and the laundry hanging on the line. Ahhh. A quintessential image of summer at home. Hope you had a great birthday.
ReplyDeleteI'd give my cramped NYC pad to be there.