Saturday, July 6, 2013


I'm walking down Congress Street the other morning, and I stumble upon this shop. I know it's a thrift shop, with lots of clothes for sale, but other than that I'm adrift at sea. Now, you know I love the Moody Blues, but what does the title of this place of business Moody Lords refer too? I simple have to imagine that it must have some inkling of the something happening in the fashion world. The guy in this placard certainly looks clothes-wise like he's lost, somewhere mid-stride in the 60s-70s. Next time, I plan to venture in and do some firsthand investigating. Maybe pickup a 'new' tie or jacket for the fall.


  1. this looks like the perfect spot to pick up a funky new tie.

  2. I wonder how excited Elenka is about your fashion destination . . . :))

  3. well, made you curious enough to go back!

  4. It sounds like the name of a street gang. Be careful.

  5. I'm sure you will find something of interest in here.
