Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blustery Stretch

Do you carry the worry gene?
I do.
It was passed along to me via my Mom, I think. If I started writing my list of worries, I'd still have pen in hand years from now. Well, I exaggerate a lot, so maybe I'm doing it here. Let's just say I have my share. Maybe more. There I go again. Most people don't share their inner most fears and for good reason. Sundays, I'm usually up early and out and about scouting up a couple of cups of coffee and a morning paper. About a month ago a good friend, who is a women basketball coach at St. Joseph's College in nearby Standish, offered me a deal I couldn't pass up. Buy a tall, plastic coffee mug for $20, support the team and enjoy a free cup of Dunkin Donuts java every Sunday for the year. Fifty-two weeks of free joe? I did the math. After about 9 Sundays, I'm drinkin' for free. Now the problem. I've got to get that mug filled every week. I'm forcing myself. So even in bad weather, I'm on the road. Lately, the weather issue here hasn't been snow, but the brutally cold temperatures. Yesterday the wind chill at 7AM was -17°F. If that wasn't enough, the after-blizzard, strong winds have kept up their pace and have created some treacherous driving conditions. Pictured here is one of the most dangerous stretches of road on my way into the city. The snow is blowing off of the fields, covering the roadway and making for close to whiteout conditions. 
I worry when the wind drives the snow this way.
But the real BIG worry is that I won't be able to make it to my free cup of coffee.
See, my life is worry-filled.
Carrying this gene has a lot of weight.


  1. Worrying certainly keeps you on target. I suppose we all have "the worry gene" to some extent, don't you think. This particular worry of yours is pretty positive. I'd worry more about the weather.

  2. Thank goodness I don't have this set of problems, the snow or the coffee. I have enough to worry about without those two added. :-)

  3. Amazing what some people will do to get a free cup of coffee. :)

  4. I know that coffee is important and it's FREE! so it must be done. You are like the postman--(through sleet and snow etc) Keep up the good work and see it is worry at all.

  5. you had me chuckling. i think i'd give up on the free coffee!

  6. I have the worry gene. It also sounds like you have the determination gene!


  7. I see I have one worry less than you - I don't drink coffee...

  8. I worry about you, Birdman.

  9. Well now since I dislike coffee, that wouldn't be a problem for me!

  10. I'd worry too much about the road to worry about the coffee!

  11. Free coffee? Getting stuck in the snow? Do they deliver? That's how my mind works :).

  12. I have no snow here , and don't drink coffee . Easier life...

  13. I would be very worried with a weather like this!

  14. Unless I had something imperative to do, I wouldn't worry about the snow!

  15. Just say no and brew a cup at home.

  16. Stay home and warm and away from those icy roads!

  17. Be reasonable. Don't let free coffee put your life, or even comfort at risk. Remember, the coffee is free, so you haven't lost anything if you pass it up during Sunday blizzards. Another solution might be to stay home and roast your own where you get superior coffee to your exact specifications.

  18. I did not get the worry gene. But I can see how you'd worry about missing your coffee in that cold! Pretty scene though.

  19. I wouldn't be driving in that weather Birdman, I'd be too worried about EVERYTHING :)

  20. I wouldn't be driving in that weather Birdman, I'd be too worried about EVERYTHING :)

  21. I wouldn't be driving in that weather Birdman, I'd be too worried about EVERYTHING :)

  22. Yes, I also inherited a worry gene, Birdman, and mine would have me worrying about road conditions as well. But then free coffee might overtake that concern...drive safe.

  23. I sometimes give my worries a swimming lesson, not smart.
    I have learned that many of my worries don`t even happen.

    Keep warm and enjoy the season.

  24. Dunkin should do a video advertisemnt of you!
